SCIP Update Archives
To search for a specific topic, press [CTRL]+ F to use your browser’s search function. If you know the update document that you are looking for, click on the date below.
- Call for Participants: MTV Documentary about Teen Pregnancy
- Communicating in Adolescence: Building On Strengths While Addressing Risks
- In the News: Agency skips Congress in bid to block birth control access
- In the News: Work-Based Program Helps Parents Talk about Sex
- Grant Opp: The Goldman Fund
- In the News: HPV linked to oral cancers
- Report: Sex education in schools helps delay teen sex
- In the News: States Reject Title V Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs
- Waiting Room STD Prevention Video Found To Reduce New STD Infection rates
- Briefs on Emergency Contraception
- HPV Vaccine Parent Brochure
- More on the proposed Constitutional Amendment Requiring Parental Notification for Minor's Abortion
- Report: Study Examines Association Between Having Sex at a Young Age with an Older Partner and Selected Outcomes in Young Adulthood
- Parental notification measure makes California Ballot
- Policy Review: Balancing patients’ access to care and health care professionals’ right to refuse
- Funding Opportunity: Promoting Innovation in Direct Services
- Training: Archived Proposal Writing Webcasts
- Resource: 2007 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Summary
- Grant Opportunities from The National Campaign
- Fact Sheet Examines States' Efforts to Safeguard Adolescents' Confidentiality
- Science and Success, Second Edition: Sex Education and Other Programs That Work to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, HIV, and Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Report: Perception That Teens Frequently Substitute Oral Sex for Intercourse a Myth
- Report: Teen Birth Rate Climbing Again in CA
- Teensource.org announces Condom Art Contest
- Now Available: National STD Prevention Conference Audio Recordings and Slides
- Report: National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancies Report on Family Turmoil
- Report: Half of Teens Don't Discuss Contraception or STDs with Partners
- Archived Grant Writing Webinars
- Webinar: Counseling Teens on Abstinence and Contraception May 28
- Webinar: Overcoming Challenges with Community Health Status Assessments May 19
- Grants for a Brighter Future for Children and Youth
- In the News: California Supreme Court Overturns Gay Marriage Ban
Training: Interventions that Work and Why: A Two-day Training on Evidence-Based HIV Prevention Interventions for People Living with HIV
April is STD Awareness month
Study: Research Shows Yet Again That Comprehensive Sexuality Education is Effective and What Parents Want
Webinar: Proposal Writing Basics: How to Effectively Respond to Proposal Requests
CDC Report: Estimated Pregnancy Rates by Outcome for the United States, 1990–2004
Webinar: Local Health Department and Juvenile Justice Collaboration for HIV/STI Prevention
Report: Risky Sexual Behavior of Newly Homeless Youth Varies
Guide: Assessing Adolescent Reproductive Health for Out-of-School Time Practitioners
Report: Teens Find the Benefits of Not Having Sex Decline with Age
Report: Sex Education Linked to Abstinence, Later Initiation of First Sex
Report: Ways to Promote the Positive Development of Children and Youth
In the News: State Board of Education adopts sex-education standards
ABC's Supernanny Looking for Teen Moms
Teen Dating Violence Webinar: Improving Community Responses to Statutory Sexual Assault
Training: Beyond MySpace: Keeping Connected with Youth
In the News: Sex-Transmitted Diseases Afflict 26% of Teen Girls
Job Announcement: Girls’ Advocate
Webcast: Innovative HIV/STI Prevention Approaches for Youth at Highest Risk
Training: Adolescent Reproductive Health—Skills for the Health Educator
In the News: Arizona is the 16th State to Reject Federal Abstinence-Only Funding
In the News: HPV-Linked Oral Cancer In Men Increasing
Training: Adolescent Reproductive Health: Skills for the Health Educator
Training: Free Online Health Literacy Training for Health Professionals
Resource: Young Fathers Video and Workshop Guide
Resource: Adolescent Health Care Access and Utilization Fact Sheet
Resource: CDC STD Picture Cards Now Available
Report: 2008’s What Works: Curriculum-Based Programs that Prevent Teen Pregnancy
Report: Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth
Opportunity: Seeking Subjects for Adolescent Health Care Video
Opportunity: Open Meadows Foundation—Women and Girls Grant Program
Resource: Free Online Access to the journal Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Webcast: Innovative HIV/STI Prevention Approaches for Youth at Highest Risk
Training: Selecting Effective Behavioral Interventions
Webinar:Communicating in Adolescence: Building on Strengths While Assessing Risks
Webinar: Addressing the Needs of Young People Who Inject Drugs
Report: Teen Pregnancy and Poverty
News Flash: Hepatitis B Vaccine
Workshop: Healthy Intimacy
Webinar: Addressing the Needs of Young People Who Inject Drugs
YouTube Offers New Nonprofit Program
In the news: FDA Requires Labeling of Over-the-Counter Contraceptives Containing Nonoxynol-9
In the News: STD Awareness targets Facebook Users
SIECUS Releases Community Action Kit
CDC Offers Free Use of SHPPS and YRBSS Data Files
Youth-Friendly Pharmacy Initiative
DVD available of Minor Consent and Confidentiality Training
Funding Opp: Grants for Young Men
Funding Opp: Parenting Capacities and Health Outcomes in Youth and Adolescents Grant Programs
In the News: Long decline in birthrate of teens ends
Healthy Intimacy Workshop
Free Educational Materials from SCIP
Report: SIECUS Releases Publication on the Marriage Promotion Industry
Workshop Summary Addresses Adolescent Health Care
Resource: CDC Releases Two New REP Packages
Resource: Behavioral Health Adolescent Provider Toolkit
Resource: Updated National Campaign Brochure - 10 Tips for Parents
Resource: Updated Fact Sheet on Substance Use among Adolescents and Young Adults
In the News: Benefits are big when kids stop having kids
Healthy Intimacy Workshop
Free Educational Materials from SCIP
Training: Minor Consent and Confidentiality
Workshop: Creating Positive Public Perceptions of Young People
Webcast: Adolescent Involvement in HIV/STI Prevention Programs
Report: 2007 Edition of Women's Health Data Book Released
Report: Research Brief Focuses on the Decline in the Proportion of Repeat Births to Adolescents in All States
Report: When Girls Don't Graduate, We All Fail
Resource: Web Site Expands to Include Nutritional Advice for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
Training: Minor Consent and Confidentiality Rights in Adolescent Reproductive Health
Workshop: Campaign to Unlearn Racism (Spanish language workshop)
Webinar: Adolescent Involvement in HIV/STI Prevention Programs
HPV Vaccine Legislation 2007
Contest: HEAR ME 2007 HIV/AIDS Story Writing and Video Project
Contest: Fresh Focus Video Project Now Accepting Submissions
Resource: Engaging Youth… On Their Turf: Creative Approaches to Connecting Youth through Community
Report: 2007 National Report Card on Women’s Health
Job Opp: SCAP hiring a Latino Outreach Worker
AIDS Alliance Consumer Leadership Corps Training Program—deadline is Friday!
Forum: Back to the Future: The Impact of the 2007 Federal Abortion Ban
Report: No Time for Complacency: Fall 2007 Update
Training: Minor Consent and Confidentiality Rights in Adolescent Reproductive Health
Teen Peer Court Schedule
In the News: Biotech patch offers no-risk birth control
In the News: Birth-Control Foe To Run Office on Family Planning
Training: Implications of Childhood Sexual Abuse for Females in the Justice System
Training: How to work more effectively with girls
Call for Participants in Intimate Partner Violence and Reproductive Health Issues Initiative
Online Training: American Academy of Pediatrics Adolescent Sexual Health Training Module
In the News: House Passes Stop AIDS in Prison Act
In the News: FDA drug proposal would bypass the doctor
In the News: Religious groups must offer employees birth control
Resource: NAHIC Updates Reproductive Health Fact Sheet
Report: CASA's 2007 Teen Survey Reveals America's Schools Infested with Drugs; Popular Kids at Drug- Infested Schools Much Likelier to Get Drunk and Use Drugs
Symposium: Exploring Safer Injection Facilities in San Francisco
Conference: Inaugural STD/HIV Prevention Conference Focusing on Youth and Technology
Conference: CSHC Annual Conference 2007: Partners in Guiding Change
Legislation: The Sexual Health Education Accountability Act- AB 629
Bi-National Health Week Event
Job Opp: Girls’ Advocate, Walnut Avenue Women’s Center—Closes 9/28!
Webinar: Promising Approaches to the Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence
Event: Day of Unity 2007
Report: California Parents’ Preferences and Beliefs Regarding School-Based Sex Education Policy
Report: What's culture got to do with HIV and AIDS?
In the News: Suicide rates for 10-19 year-old females and 15-19 year-old males increased significantly in 2004
El Jóven Noble/Hombres Jóvenes con Palabra training
Web Seminar: Crystal Meth and HIV Risk Among Latino Gay Men
Tabling Opportunity: National Latino AIDS Awareness Day event
13th Annual LBHI Latino Conference
SIECUS SexEd Library AvailableOnline
Fact Sheet: The HPV Vaccine: Background, Coverage & Benefits
In the News: Sales soar for morning-after pill
In the News: Sexually transmitted wart virus ups mouth cancers
Youth Advocacy opportunity with Jóvenes SANOS
Report on Teen Dating Violence
In the News: Abortion pill doesn't raise pregnancy risk, study says
In the News: Types of Alcoholic Beverages Usually Consumed by Students in 9th-12th Grades
Training: 2 day HIV/AIDS Prevention Certification
Webinar: HIV Prevention with Latinos Live Satellite Broadcast and Web cast
Webinar: An Introduction to the Plain Talk Approach to Teen Pregnancy & Teen HIV/STD Prevention
Webinar: Retaining Clients in HIV Prevention Programs: A Conversation with Ted Duncan, PhD
Community Health Web cast and Teleconference Web page
Workshop: Unlearning Racism (in Spanish)
Funding Opp: HIV/STI Demonstration Sites RFP and ApplicationNow Available
Funding Opp: Materials Development Grant
Free Grant Writing Tutorials and Manual for HIV Programs
New Fact Sheets from the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies
Job Opening: Senior Project Manager, Strategic Health Communications
Job Opening: International Policy Director
Teen Short Films Address Pregnancy, HIV/STI Infection and Sexual Identity
Reproductive Health Fact Sheet– Adolescents and Young Adults
New Report Shows that Decline in Teen Sexual Activity is Stalling
Report Reveals Wide State Variation in Teen Birth Rate
Grant Opportunity: Make It Your Own Awards
Teen Success Program
Volunteer Opportunity: Santa Cruz Juvenile Probation Needs an Advocate
Audio Conference: New CDC Recommendations for HIV Testing How Has Your Clinic Responded?
Conferences and Trainings:
Adolescent Reproductive Health Training Program
California Alliance Concerned with School Aged Parenting and Pregnancy Prevention
National Prevention and Health Promotion Summit
National HIV Prevention Conference
National STD Prevention Conference
California Education Code re: Sex Ed
American Teens: Less Sex, More Condoms
Teleconference Training on Anal Carcinoma and Pap Screening July 19th!
Plan B Use Surges, And So Does Controversy
Egypt officials ban female circumcision
AudioConference: The Changing Face of Chlamydia
Health Law Resources:
Your Health, Your Rights—a free ACLU pamphlet for teens
Understanding Minor Consent in California—A Provider’s Toolkit
The Camp Recovery Center Adolescent Program
Free “Spanish for the Workplace” classes
Study Finds Link Between Condom Use and STDs, Number of Sexual Partners
CDC Launches Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health Website
Webinar: HIV/AIDS among Women: Maternal and Child Health and HIV/AIDS Partnerships for Prevention, Testing, and Care
Article: Pharmacy draws fire for stopping the sale of birth control pills
Training: Thursday the 21st is the last day to register for the STD Overview!
Training: Materials Development Workshop June 21st!
Resource: Educational and Program Resources from the Prevention Training Center
Resource: SexEdLibrary: Over one hundred lesson plans in one place
Event: Bridging the Gap
Report of the APA's Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls
Conference: Youth, Education & Law: Current Issues, New Directions
Webinar: Understanding Transgender Latinas & their HIV Concerns
Resource: Advocacy Resource Guides from Healthy Teen Network
Resource: Tell Me about AIDS
Report: Sex Education:The Parent's Perspective
In the News: FDA Approves No-Period Birth Control Pill
In the News: Brazil to Subsidize Birth Control Pills
Training: STD Overview for Non-Clinicians June 29th
Training: STD Overview for Non-Clinicians
Survey: Interests of young women with disabilities
Resource: Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project (CHAMP)
Resources: Teens and the Law
In the News: Committee chairman says U.S. government spending for sexual abstinence program will stop
Foundation Center Training: Free Day of Fundraising Essentials for Health and Human Services Organizations in Santa Cruz County
Free SCIP Workshop: STD Overview for Non-Clinicians
Reminder: 2007 SCIP Updates Feedback survey Complete by May 8th!
Workshop: Campana para Desaprender el Racismo
Resource: Health Websites for Teens
Event: 10th Annual Santa Cruz County Queer Youth Leadership Awards
Report: The report card is in. Abstinence-only fails.
In the News: Texas Showdown on HPV Vaccine Order
In the News: Proposal to require STD vaccine for girls is weakened
2007 SCIP Update Feedback Survey
Free Webcast: Meeting the Family Planning Needs of Adolescents & Males
Free Training:
Free Training:
In the News: Governor pulls funding for breast cancer and cervical cancer screenings
Funding Opportunity: Nonprofits and Tribes Invited to Compete for New CCF Grants
Queer Youth Leadership Awards: Nominations Open
In the News: U.S. college students face higher prices for birth control as companies end discounts
In the News: U.S. family planning head resigns after state agency acts against him
In the News: Advocates say some of US grocery chain's stores still are not selling 'morning-after' pill
MMWR – Human Papillomavirus Vaccine
Grant Opp: MTV TR3S and Youth Venture Present the Tu Voz My Venture Contest
Grant Opp: Compassion Capital Fund Targeted Capacity Building Program
Web Seminar: Adaptation of Evidence-Based Interventions: An Overview
Grant Opportunity: Youth Digital Filmmakers Program
Workshop: Advocates of Steel
Web Seminar: What is a Recruitment Strategy and why is it important to have one?
Report: Friends’ influence on Adolescents’ First Sexual Intercourse
Online Resource: Youth Programs Resource Center
Funding Opportunity: Community, Education, And Health Grant Program
Funding Opportunity: SAMHSA Will Fund Up to 7 Grants in 2007 for Adolescents at Risk for Suicide
10th Annual Queer Youth Leadership Awards: May 19th
Online Resource: STD Wizard
Online Resource: Adolescent Violence Prevention
In the News: Merck suspends lobbying for cervical cancer vaccine mandate
Report: Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls
Legislation: Prevention First Act Introduced
Funding: Youth Development Grants
Internet audio conference: New Findings from the National Survey of Children’s Health
In the news: Texas governor orders anti-cancer vaccine for schoolgirls
In the news: Stroke Risk With Migraine Aura Makes Birth Control Pill Problematic
In the news: Birth control taught in shrinking number of schools, study says
Training: Grant Writing: Developing and Maintaining Prevention Programs
Condom Contest
Roundtable Discussion: Improving the State of Education in our County
Sueños is Expanding to North and Mid County!
In the News: Mindfulness-based stress reduction teaches teens how to deal
Resource: New Prevention Tactic and Website: Underage Binge Drinking: A Community's Problem, A Community's Solution
Trainings: CSTEP HIV Trainings
Training: Grant Writing: Developing and Maintaining Prevention Programs
In the News: FDA scrutinizes birth control drugs
Training: Girls: Understanding their World (San Diego)
Audio Conference Call: Basics of HPV and New Vaccines
Legal Info: HIV/AIDS Prevention Education Codes
Web Seminar: Program Evaluation Overview
Resource: Internet Interventions Teleconference Available Online
Resource: Upcoming Free Trainings in the Bay Area
Report: Most Americans Have Had Premarital Sex
Article: N.H. to Offer Girls Free Cancer Vaccine
Article: HPV Vaccine to be Included in Immunization Program for Children
Article: Bill backs cancer shot for girls (would require HPV Vaccine for girls to enroll in 6th grade)
Training: Grant Writing: Developing and Maintaining Prevention Programs
Article: Plan B pill now readily available
Article: Drugmaker Makes Chewable Contraceptive
Resource: Center for AIDS Prevention Studies UCSF Fact Sheets
Article: Abstinence-Only Policies: New Guidelines Target 29-year Old Sexually Active Adults
Article: Doc's Appt. Angers Family Planning Group
Article: Long-Awaited Non-Prescription Emergency Contraception Arrives in Pharmacies
Training: Grant Writing: Developing and Maintaining Prevention Programs
Article: Women Sue Over Birth Control Patch
Report: By the Numbers: The Public Costs of Teen Childbearing
Article: Few Americans favor abstinence-only sex education
Article: All eyes on Roberts court as it takes on abortion
Results of SCIP Update Feedback Survey
Funding Opportunity: Magic Johnson Foundation HIV/AIDS Grants
Article: Binge drinking: A public health issue, a community issue and an everyone issue
Article: Court: Groups must offer contraceptives
Send me your announcements!
Training: ”Breaking the Cycle” is almost full!
Proposition 85: Parental notification supporters try again
Training: Recruitment and Retention (next week! and it’s free too!)
New Law: AB 2280, allowing expedited partner therapy for gonorrhea, will go into effect Jan 1, 2007
Project: A Teen’s Eye View of Community
Report: Strategies For Improving Latino Healthcare In America
Report: National birth rate data now available
Feedback: Fill out the Survey!
Next SCIP Training: Breaking the Cycle of Teen Intimate Partner Violence
Trainings: Fundamentals of STDs in Clinical Practice and Genital Exam Skills Practicum
Article: Birth-control patch label warns of risk
Resource: Teen Dating Violence Curriculum and Video
Feedback: Fill out the Survey!
SCIP has a new website!
Resource: Free Downloads from Hesperian Publishing
Training: Last day to register for “Prevention Strategies” is Sept 15th!
RFP: Growing Healthy Communities HIV/AIDS Initiative (Kaiser Permanente)
Resource: Parent-Child Connectedness Materials from ETR
Articles: Guttmacher Update on teen pregnancy
Report: Opinions About HIV/AIDS-Related Issues Among California Adults, 2005
In the News: Condoms in Prison Passes Legislature
Training: State Certified Training on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
In the News: HPV Vaccine Creates Parental Challenge
Audio Conference: Contraceptive Update
Free Contraceptive Fact Sheets
Online Self-Study Training Modules
In the News: Barr Seeks Fed OK for Morning-After Pill
In the News: New study shows herpes cases declining
Free Training:
Article: Implantable contraceptive cleared for sale
Report Finds Federal Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs Funneled More than $30 Million into Anti-Choice Crisis Pregnancy Centers
Article: Mothers' Attitudes Towards Preventing Cervical Cancer Through Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: A Qualitative Study
Free Training—“Youth Empowerment Training for Service Providers”
Free Training —“How to Better Serve the Adolescent inYour Office/Center”
Free Online Courses for clinicians—Continuing Education credit available
2005 Youth Risk Behavior Survey available online
HPV Vaccine approved by FDA
FDA Denies Request To Allow Nonprescription Sales Of Plan B
Early Predictors Of Sexual Behavior:
Implications For Young Adolescents And Their Parents
Rodham Clinton Calls For Affordable Access To Contraception, Pledges To Continue Hold On FDA Commissioner Nomination